

"Once you experience a connection with spirit, you can no longer deny it's existence."

Psychic Mediumship


Readings available by phone or online via Zoom from $80

Typically if you are struggling with moving forward with some major life decisions to make, spirit can help guide you forward through a reading by clarifying your current position and movement forward. My readings typically work on helping your ego mind overcome life's stresses and clarifies your soul's messages of moving forward, which in turn relaxes the mind!

Evidential mediumship also provides you will proof of afterlife of your passed over loved ones of their personality, method of passing and very clear messages of their current presence in your life. Knowing that your passed over loved one has safely arrived will provide incredible healing for you.

Book Online

Choose from face to face, phone or online readings including a recording for:

20 minutes   |   30 minutes   |   40 minutes    | 60 minutes

Readings are available to international clients. 

Location & contact details

Appointment Location:  Zoom Online Video  |  Phone  

Email enquiries to: liz@lizatherton.com
