Get World-Class Support & Education
for a Healthy Mindset to Heal and Embrace Your Life Fully
Move from Stressed and Depressed to Confident Self-Mastery in 6 weeks without losing the love of others.
No more sacrificing yourself to seek love, validation & approval
Avoiding rejection or abandonment can make you conform without even a conscious thought. Learned patterns of behaviour teach you to sacrifice who you are to avoid these two massive threats. Fear based beliefs then sabotage your current needs within relationships with everyone. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Identify your Unhappiness
Identify how and why you are stressed. Learn how you have adapted to your current beliefs and how they formed your current character.
Inner blocks & Voice's
Learning how your inner voices and their agendas is ground breaking to observe and maintain control of your real needs and wants compared to learned patterns of behaviour.
release sabotaging patterns
Uncover old subconscious sabotaging patterns and literally release them to start to heal former trauma to become accountable to your future goals and outcomes. Release the inner restrictions gain clarity on your needs.
Embrace & Accept You
Gain confidence to express your real self by hearing your inner self, accepting your uniqueness, speaking your truth to gain your true self worth and self esteem. Set the boundaries that make you safe and loved, first by you, then by others.
Fear drives You from Your Real Self, whilst Awareness brings you closer...
Identify where your beliefs protected you once to survive, but now sabotage your way to happiness. Blaming others for how you feel keeps you in a perpetual cycle of powerlessness and won't assist to bring change.
Gain the confidence to STOP living like you opposing entities within....Your real self and your mind in combat. Learn how to stop wearing your mask and locate your real self's needs and wants.
Take your control back, learn to access, observe and action your real needs and speak your truth.
Get confident to speak from your true self, rather than the fear based conditioning.
All of my clients from this program become aware of what has secretly been held back from their awareness, to then only become the observer of their voices and learn to ascertain the right one to follow that brings them into self-power and ownership.
For example Sarah...
A beautiful young lady walked into my office a little while back and she could see how she continuously allowed men to ignore her needs, use her as a dormat and dishonour her. She gave in to these men to prevent being abandoned and feeling unloved. Since her coaching, Sarah has the power to decide how other's treat her, rather than be on autopilot avoiding abandonment.
She gained her dignity and could then set clear confident boundaries.
What Liz's Clients are Saying...
Developing my soul to mind connection...
Working with Liz through the coaching process, I came to realise I was dealing with issues and situations in my life reactively and emotionally, and then, sacrificing my self worth and values at my own expense, rather than coming from a loving and empowering position, where I got the results I desired without needing the feeling for control and in some instances, sub consciously, manipulating situations to feel empowered. The relationships around me changed, I no longer needed to defend who I was inside, because it was evident in my actions not just my words. We got down to core issues which allowed me to see why I reacted the way I did, and I began to heal. Without the tools and guidance from Liz, I wouldn’t have been able to move to a much more safe and loving place for myself, and begin living a more authentic, soulful life.
TARA SARICH // Accountant
Made me understand why I make the choices I do...
Liz made me see my patterns, why I have them, why I choose the men I do. For the first time I understood "me". I felt such a sense of freedom, strength, and love/respect for myself finally. Liz gave me the tools to work on myself, my triggers, and made me understand why I make the choices I do. She was so spot on. Liz helped me and is still helping me heal my wounds from younger years. I have read Liz's books which was incredible for me. I felt like a chef finally reading the most insightful secret recipe book in the world. My life has changed since meeting Liz, I can tell you this is not just a job for Liz, she is a beautiful, caring, woman with such a loving energy. I can not thank Liz enough for changing my life.
You are Not a Sum of Your Experiences...
Stop believing what you have been told to be true
The way other's may treat you, is nothing to do with your worth. Holding onto beliefs about your experiences can make you feel invalidated, unloved and vunerable, yet beliefs are held onto for a sense of security because they may only be what you have learnt.
Life is short, but each day is yours!
Identify your blocks and beliefs that are changeable when you are ready to make real change. Stop living how you were programmed and start living your life your way!
Doing the same, but expecting different results?
This program will change your awareness of your programmed beliefs that do not work for you, how to change them and make decisions that better your life. Learn how to embrace the real you, set boundaries with how you want to be treated and still have the love of others.
Here's what You'll Embrace in the Program
Three personal one-to-one sessions with Empowerment Coach Liz Atherton using diagnostic skills and tools to keep you focused to achieve your self-awareness and self-power.
Direct Communication with your Coach via your membership online.
Interactive, virtual workshops and on-demand training bring you the clarity on how to gain with weekly lessons, group coaching Q&A webinars.
Ask Liz Atherton and your fellow Group Members anything via the private, members-only Facebook Group Community.
Here's what You will Achieve in 9 Steps and 6 Weeks

- 1Identify how and why you are stressed and what causes your immediate unhappiness.
- 2Unlock your brainwashed beliefs that releives the pressure you have to perform against your real self.
- 3Move your Character Adaption to your real identity. Understand how you adapted and lost part of the real you in the process.
- 4Own your blocks and stop blaming others for your unhappiness. See the power in owning your responses and decisions you have been on autopilot for a lifetime.
- 5Move your Irrational Responses to one of Reason, Logic and Love by learning how your inner conflict works and how your old program keeps driving sabotage.
- 6Stop Confusion and gain Clarity on your Inner Voices to learn how your they work, their purpose. Establish the guiding, protecting, fearful, demanding and decision making agendas and which voice that is your best guidance and how to implement it.
- 7Release your Restictions and set new Boundaries by speaking your truth, commanding the respect you desire and be confident in setting your new boundaries without losing the love of others.
- 8Eliminate feeling Indifference and become Unique to accept who you are and what your purpose is to gain your freedom of your programmed beliefs.
- 9Rewire Emotionally by consciously making choices over old beliefs that enables you to reprogram your subconscious mind.
LIZ ATHERTON // Empowerment Coach & Facilitator
Liz Atherton is a facilitator of metaphysical and coaching practices to bring change in her client's lives using her skills as an Empowerment Coach, Medium, Author, Trainer, NLP Practitioner, Healer, Reiki Practitioner and Meditation Teacher.
Her passion in life is to assist people to bring them to conscious awareness of self direction to their joy and happiness without the mental strain of conflicting agendas within the mind.
Join Over 1,000 Happy Clients
How to learn to listen to the right voice...
I was going through some rough times feeling lost and in limbo with my life. I am open to anything spiritual and for personal growth. I was quite amazed at what Liz was teaching us especially about the different ego's we have and how to learn to listen to the right voice, not doubting the first thing that comes to mind because it's usually correct. It was an eye opener and a lot of things finally made sense.
SILVANA BiRSS // Homemaker
Not all my thoughts come from the same part of my mind...
I had previously studied a good deal of the psychological theories regarding how the 'layers' of consciousness work, and how they shape the way we see the world, such as the work of Freud/Jung. So it was not foreign to me when Liz presented their work in the beginning of the workshop, however I always felt that the psychologists never gave us any techniques for observing and altering the constructs of the mind, in order to achieve happiness and well-being. Liz on the other-hand has formulated a lot of the knowledge she gained first hand from walking the spiritual path, into easy to understand tips and techniques for her students to use in their day to day lives. This has been a big help to me so far, as I can understand that not all my thoughts come from the same part of my mind, or have the same agenda. By coming to terms with that simple truth, it is much easier to navigate through the mental fog that mind chatter can often confuse us with. This for me was a first, and I really feel as though Liz is doing a good deal of pioneering there.
Over-all the workshop was presented in a very humble, and friendly manner. Everyone seemed to have left their ego at the door. I strongly recommend this workshop.
ZAINE MORGAN // Upwork Coach
Get All This...
Get this 6 week program of One-to-One Coaching plus lessons, Q&A webinars and a community group, all guaranteed to make you shift and grow. Limited intake numbers.
Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life...
Frequently Asked Questions
The program is a 6 week course, including 3 one-to-one coaching sessions of approximately 1.5 hours each. You will need to allow 1-2 hours per week plus your coaching session. Yes, that is all it takes to make these positive changes to your life!
You can choose your one-to-one coaching sessions from a variety of time slots provided and your interactive lessons are at your own pace. The webinars are set times.
You will need a Facebook account and you will be sent the link to the community as soon as you sign up.
You will have daytime and some evening access to these webinars or you can replay at a time that suits you.
An internet browser of any kind and email address will get you onboard.You will be added to a membership site with a unique login for your lessons and the group coaching session links. These group coaching sessions will be run via Zoom Webinars and will be available for viewing later if you are not able to attend the live webinars.
Should you require more coaching in addition to the sessions included, as a program attendee you will receive a bonus offer for additional coaching. The special pricing is only available to the program attendees at a reduced rate.
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