When you find your inner voices competing and vying it out, discernment is paramount to good outcomes for your life.
This program helps identify which voice has what agenda and how to hear your inner guidance system.
Making the right decisions, grows self-esteem & self-worth and impels you forward with the Unlocking what's Blocking® Program
The Books
The Results

When I first went to Liz’s workshop I really did not know what to expect. Mind chatter... I mean what is that? At the end of the workshop I was amazed at the information that Liz had presented, the constant mental conflict in our minds sometimes is so full on that we do not know which voice to listen too. Liz’s mind chatter workshop shows you how to identify which voice, why that voice and where it is coming from. It is quite life changing in the way that if you can apply those principles in which she outlines in the workshop you can have clarity in your decisions making this is life changing workshop, one which I do recommend to anyone who experiences mental conflict at times.
Adele Johnson

I wish I had this book back when I was in this situation! A fantastic resource offering very practical step by step guidance of the challenges, services and resources needed to get out and get free. This resource would have saved me an enormous amount of stress and assisted with avoiding some of the mistakes easily made navigating my way through a very non-user friendly system.
This book needs to be available for those needing it the most and at the time they need it, I recommend this is handed out to people at refuges and Centrelink.

I met Liz in June 2018. I was at a turning point in my life where I hadn’t made my own decisions for 14 years and had looked for outward validation for happiness rather than looking within.
Not only has Liz taught me to trust my intuition, my gut and follow my path, through my guides, she has also taught me life lessons based on her wide knowledge of the words we use and how it affects our soul.
Liz is the real deal. And genuinely cares for her clients.
Through the continued experience and connection with Liz I am developing my soul to mind connection even all while, being a huge over thinker, and understand relationships on a different level while building my self worth and accepting what will be will be.
Your my guardian angel on earth Liz xx
Tara Sarich

Excellent workshop! Thanks for a thought-provoking afternoon of lateral-thinking, envelope-pushing, and Freudian fun! Highly recommended.
Dr. David Morgan

I attended Liz's face to face workshop as a guest with my friend who really thought I would get something out of it. She knew I was going through some rough times feeling lost and in limbo with my life so she asked me to go with her. I wasn't too sure what it was about but I am open to anything spiritual and for personal growth. I was quite amazed at what Liz was teaching us especially about the different ego's we have and how to learn to listen to the right voice, not doubting the first thing that comes to mind because it's usually correct. It was an eye opener and a lot of things finally made sense when I walked out of the class.
Silvana Birss

My wife and I attended the Liz's workshop. We both found it to be a very enlightening experience. The workshop was delivered in a very clear and concise manner. Liz explained the concepts really well and we both feel that we actually learnt more than we expected to learn. For me personally I now have a much better understanding of how my Soul communicates with me, and also a better understanding of when the messages aren't from my Soul. We thoroughly recommend this workshop for anyone seeking understanding and clarification with regards to busy mind chatter.
Ramzi Abboud

I was lucky enough to attend Liz Atherton's workshop. I had previously studied a good deal of the psychological theories regarding how the 'layers' of consciousness work, and how they shape the way we see the world, such as the work of Freud/Jung. So it was not foreign to me when Liz presented their work in the beginning of the workshop, however I always felt that the psychologists never gave us any techniques for observing and altering the constructs of the me mind, in order to achieve happiness and well-being.
Liz on the other-hand has formulated a lot of the knowledge she gained first hand from walking the spiritual path, into easy to understand tips and techniques for her students to use in their day to day lives.
This has been a big help to me so far, as I can understand that not all my thoughts come from the same part of my mind, or have the same agenda. By coming to terms with that simple truth, it is much easier to navigate through the mental fog that mind chatter can often confuse us with.
Another thing I really enjoyed was that Liz includes an explanation of how her psychic abilities work, with the foundations of knowledge presented by psychologists. This for me was a first, and I really feel as though Liz is doing a good deal of pioneering there.
Over-all the workshop was presented in a very humble, and friendly manner. There were refreshments, and everyone seemed to have left their ego at the door. I strongly recommend this workshop to everyone, as mind chatter is something we all struggle with.
Zaine Morgan
"you don't have to get it perfect, you just have to start"
My purpose and passion in my work is devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create, your life well, YOUR WAY.